Saturday, March 5, 2016

Rule Number 1

Hey guys. Today was tough! A lady came to the barn today called Lara Knight. Let me tell you about our day with Lara.

After my tasty breakfast I was turned out with my friends. Everyone except Mo. After a while I heard some noises coming from the jump ring so I went to the top of the hill to see what was going on. Mo was in there with his Ma and Lara. She had Mo going STRAIGHT! The horror!! He was unable to throw his haunches to the inside to make his job easier and his Ma was holding these little sticks to keep her hands upright! It was so sad. I felt so bad for them. Lara wasn't letting them get away with anything.

Then, Magic and Lila went in. Magic was so mad about rule Number one... What's Rule Number 1? Straightness. It's a new rule. Ugh, how awful. Being crooked is so fashionable right now... everyone else does it! Why can't we? Anyway, Lara got on Magic and had him moving his shoulders around, and his haunches around and basically making him do sit ups so he'd lift his back up. I was very glad I was hanging with Luna and Pippen in my pasture.

Next was Turk the school master and Holly. Lara made Turk put his head down and lift his back too!! Turk LOVES  doing his Llama impression but she wouldn't allow it. It sure did make him look pretty though...

Then came Annabelle and Cali. Again with Rule Number 1. We just couldn't get away from straightness. When Cali got Annabelle straight, she jumped really nice but it's so fun going down the grid crooked and seeing I'd the rider can keep up. Or so I'm told, I haven't jumped yet.

Then Pippen left the pasture and I realized he had a date with Lara. She got on him too and there it was... Rule Number 1 again! He was so mad. His favorite game is "Lets-throw-the-shoulder-and-run-through-the-leg". He's even taught me how to play!

Suddenly, Ma came and got me out of the field. She groomed me real good (which I hate) and tacked me up. She didn't get herself tacked up though and I found that curious. I thought she must just be practicing tacking up. She led me out and I realized to my horror that we were headed to where Lara and Pippen were.

I danced and fidgeted as hard as I could to convince Ma to take me back to the barn. I even tried hugging her and then flinging my front leg around to get her attention. But it didn't work.

Suddenly, there was Lara. Coming right at me!! She took my reins and asked me to move my shoulder. I said "You move YOUR shoulder!" And she didn't like that. So I moved my shoulder. We did this for a few minutes and I realized it wasn't that bad. It kinda made sense.

Then she got on the saddle. She told me to move my shoulder again and I said "No!" Well, as you can guess, she didn't like that so I moved my shoulder. Ma was sitting right there not helping. I kept looking at her trying to get her to get Lara off of me but she kept nodding at what Lara said! She was in on it!

Well, after a while I started realizing that Lara wouldn't bother me if I softened my neck, lifted my back and relaxed. It was even fun! Then I'd get tired and fall apart again. She kept saying that was okay since I'm still young. She did keep emphasizing that dreaded Rule Number 1!!

After she was done and I was tired, I got lots of tasty treats. Dinner even had a surprise of Beet Pulp!! Yum! And Ma fave me extra peanut hay while I had my evening groom. Now I'm in my cushy stall, eating tasty peanut hay. Ma is sitting on the corner of my stall with a little square glowy thingie in her hand and her thumbs are moving feverishly around on it. I don't know what she's doing but I keep checking on her to make sure she's okay.

Well, that was my day... sounds awful huh? So much LEARNING!! Oh the humanity!! But ya know, the rewards I got for learning so much might just make me want to learn more. Maybe I'll allow Ma to bring Lara back out...

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